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Video resume

Updated: Jun 1

Video introduction (2:13 mins)

Detailed video presentations links below:

1) Scoped requirements, designed, estimated, built, deployed, and maintained applications from scratch for large organizations.

Demo (6:45 mins):

2) Provided solutions to blocking problems unsolved for quite some time

Demo (6:08 mins):

3) Undertook complex projects within tight deadlines and delivered them on time:

Demo (5:33 mins):

4) Collaborated as part of larger development teams, as a process or product owner, and improved the application's performance:

Demo (6:12 mins):

5) Current work at BVC (Bow Valley College) - Calgary

Demo (6:12 mins):
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Video resume - summary (text)

This summary presentation will take 5 minutes. Hello and welcome to my video introduction. My name is Eugen Frunza, I am a software consultant providing services to clients in Toronto, and across Can

Resume and samples of work

IT professional from 1993, working in Toronto from 1997 Providing consulting services from 2004 via my own firm, Planet IT, in the following business domains: the Banking industry (Royal Bank, Scotia

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